Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Portugal 2010-VIII

The Philatelic Youth and Education Issues

It is clear that stamp collecting can be used for developing and learning among children and young people with various levels of approach. From stamps, issues related to geography, history, culture, science, sports, monetary systems and currencies, art, ecology, ethnography, among many other issues that can be addressed. So why is it that parents are not encouraging children to engage in stamp collections? The most obvious answer is because most parents are unaware of this potential (as most teachers of our children). Moreover, children have a source of information today, almost inexhaustible and within reach of your fingertips: the Internet. This powerful tool that can effortlessly provide answers to almost all questions. How to deal with this? What is the most appropriate strategy? I believe that there is only one path: to come together on to it! In addition to benefits relating to education, the collecting of stamps comes with other educational benefits: who collects stamps develops skills relating to organization, discipline, negotiation, among others. These skills are important in training young and fundamental to life. Without them, how to survive in the competitive world of today?
The Right to Education for Children souvenir sheet (2007)

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